Country Code Planet en morocco Morocco country code The country code 212 indicates that the phone number you are about to dial is to Morocco in Africa Before you call to Morocco you should be aware of that they speak

Telephone numbers in Morocco Concept

Country Area Code en morocco How to call Morocco Country code 212 The international dialing code for Morocco is 212 You must enter this number if you are calling from another country

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HowtoCallAbroad com morocco How to call Morocco country code area codes phone number 212 Country Code for Morocco Phone Number remove initial 0 9 digits all landlines begin with digit 5 example call from the United States or from Canada to

Определитель оператора и региона по номеру телефона en country code 212 Morocco International phone codes International phone code of Morocco 212 Capital Rabat Region Africa Languages Arabic Berber

Which Country Code Is 212

Worldometer country codes morocco country code Morocco Country Code 212 Worldometer Country Calling Code 212 E 164 Country Calling CODE 212 ISO 3166 1 alpha 3 CODE MAR ISO 3166 1 alpha 3 CODE MA ISO 3166 1 numeric CODE 504

countrycodebase com morocco Morocco Country Code 212 Country Code MA CountryCodeBase com Morocco officially the Kingdom of Morocco is located in Northern Africa the sub region part of Africa 212 which country 39 s area code The Morocco telephone country code Casablanca 212 22 Fes 212 55 Lâayoune 212 48 Marrakech 212 44

Which Country Code Is 212

Wikipedia wiki Telephone numbers in Morocco Telephone numbers in Morocco Wikipedia All phone numbers in Morocco are 9 digits in length excluding the leading 0 Morocco uses a closed numbering plan i e the prefix is not omitted for local calls This

Monito en country code 212 Number Calling Here 39 s What You Should Know Monito The prefix 212 is the country code of Morocco As with all unfamiliar international numbers if you 39 re getting a call from a number starting with these digits but don 39 t Author Jan Watermann compCardList image img display none compCardList image noscript img display block compCardList extra visibility hidden

countrycodeguide com africa morocco Morocco Country Code 212 and How to Call Morocco from Country code 00212 is assigned to Morocco So if you see a phone number or an international dialing code starting with 212 it corresponds to Morocco

anothertravel africa morocco Morocco Country Dialling Codes 212 country code Morocco Country Code After the international dialling code you ll need to enter the country code for Morocco which is 212 Area Code Depending on where in Morocco People also search for